Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE]

Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE]
Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE] CKE
Trwa matura 2016. Angielski - podstawa, czyli matura z języka angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym. To z nim zmagali się maturzyści trzeciego dnia egzaminów. Odpowiedzi i arkusz CKE znajdziecie na naszej stronie. Sprawdźcie, jak Wam poszło!

Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE]

Trzeciego dnia trwającej matury 2016 maturzyści zdawali wybrany język nowożytny. A dokładnie ci, którzy zdecydowali się zdawać język angielski. O godzinie 9 rozpoczęła się matura 2016 z angielskiego na poziomie podstawowym.

Sprawdź też: Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa i inne przedmioty

Specjalnie dla Was przygotowujemy rozwiązania zadań i odpowiedzi, jakich powinniście udzielić podczas egzaminu. Znajdziecie je tutaj po godzinie 14.

Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa - ODPOWIEDZI:

Zadanie 1.
Interviewer: Jo, I’m glad you’re here to talk about the Eco Man Festival. The first event took place in 2003 at the Hampton Estate, didn’t it?
Jo: Not exactly. We actually moved there in 2006. It all began at Craig Castle.
Interviewer: I’ve heard the festival is a place to see new talent.
Jo: That’s right! If somebody wants to be discovered, they should apply by sending us an email and two pieces of their music. The deadline is June 15th. The jury listens to everything they get and then selects the artists who will play at the festival. For those who are less lucky and are not accepted, we run an online band competition.
Interviewer: You wanted it to be a folk music festival, didn’t you?
Jo: Well, actually, it started as a one-day folk music festival, but it has developed into a seven-day event. Now it’s a whole week of different kinds of music.
Interviewer: I’ve heard you almost called off the festival last year because of bad weather.
Jo: Yes, it rained heavily and the ground was so muddy that we had some problems with moving heavy equipment around. But we managed somehow and everything went on as planned.
Interviewer: Is the festival only about music?
Jo: No, there are also some other forms of entertainment present, like film and theatre. Most of them are for adults. But there’s also something for youngsters.
Kids under twelve can enjoy making hand puppets. Teens can learn to be DJs or create amazing animations.
Interviewer: Jo, thanks for being here with us.
tekst własny

Zadanie 1.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z organizatorką festiwalu. Zaznacz znakiem X, które zdania są zgodne z treścią nagrania (T – True), a które nie (F – False).

1.1. The first festival took place at the Hampton Estate. FALSE
1.2. To qualify for the festival, you have to perform live in front of the jury. FALSE
1.3. The festival has become longer over the years. TRUE
1.4. Last year’s festival was called off because of heavy rain.FALSE
1.5. The festival offers activities for different age groups. TRUE

Zadanie 2.

Are you a stressed university student? Do you need to relax? Are you looking for something more challenging than a walk or a bike ride? It’s time to visit our Student Fitness Centre. We offer two studios for group fitness activities and the best instructors to run them. In our centre you can also practise kickboxing, dance, yoga and karate. We’ll help you to get the most out of each training session. Just give it a go!
adapted from

You probably don’t want to eat immediately before taking exercise, yet is it really a good idea to jog or work out on an empty stomach? Should you eat a light snack or perhaps a rich meal? Should you have breakfast before or after your morning exercises? Our specialists will help you find answers to these questions. All you have to do is visit our website and enter our chat room on healthy living. Today, we’re discussing food and fitness.
adapted from

And now the latest news. Devin Wood from Idaho got the surprise of a lifetime on Saturday when he beat hundreds of people in a fitness competition called the Golden Gym Challenge, and won a car. More than 400 participants took part in the event. Before the competition Devin lost about 30 kilos. He says that what helped him the most was starting a new diet and taking plenty of exercise. He also hired a coach who helped him to get into shape.
adapted from

More and more people are deciding to change their lifestyle and do more sport. Experts say it is enough to take 10,000 steps a day to keep fit. The small and inexpensive device that I’m holding in my hand tells me how much exercise I take in my daily routine. It’s called a pedometer and it counts steps. I use it every day. Why don’t you try it? It’s really great!
adapted from

Zadanie 2.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi, które łączy temat dbania o sprawność fizyczną. Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1.–2.4.) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker
A. describes a situation when a change of lifestyle helped somebody to win a prize.
B. invites listeners to take part in some sports classes.
C. recommends a gadget which is useful for people who want to keep fit.
D. explains why he/she decided to have a healthy lifestyle.
E. informs listeners where to find advice on keeping fit and healthy

2.1 B
2.2 E
2.3 A
2.4 C

Zadanie 3.

If you are looking for good customer service, do not go to Florida Shopping Centre. The prices are really reasonable, but next time I’d rather pay double than have so much trouble. First, I had to wait three weeks for the wardrobe I bought. I thought that was the end of my problems. But no, it wasn’t. After they delivered it, I noticed that it was different, much smaller, with just one door instead of two. So they had to take it back. I hope they won’t damage the right one when they bring it to my place!
adapted from

If next Sunday’s Country Marathon is too challenging for you, you can take part in the Team Race. It’s for less experienced competitors. Each team consists of six runners, who are at least 12 years old. The teams have to cover 42 kilometres as in the marathon, but the race is much easier for individual runners. Each of them runs only a part of the race, that is seven kilometres out of forty-two. The Team Race starts at the same time as the Country Marathon. So you can join in the fun and run alongside more experienced marathon runners.
adapted from

Man: What shall we do now? The room is almost done.
Woman: What about the CDs near the stereo?
Man: Tom is supposed to pick them up tonight.
Woman: I think he brought too many rock CDs. Not everyone was willing to dance.
Man: Don’t complain. They all seemed to enjoy themselves.
Woman: Yes, but it’s because of the food: delicious pizza, fresh salads and your sister’s muffins. Who wouldn’t be happy?
Man: Yes, you’re right. But we definitely ordered too much pizza. Who’s going to eat it all now?
Woman: Don’t worry. We’ll finish it later.
tekst własny

A man has collected his prize money after discovering a lottery ticket worth a million pounds. Mr Talbott found a ticket with the lucky numbers marked by another person while he and his neighbour were clearing up leaves near their houses. He took the ticket to the lottery office. As no one had reported losing the ticket, Mr Talbott could collect the money.
adapted from

Ladies and Gentlemen, could you please return to your seats; the break is over. May I remind you that flash photography is strictly forbidden during the performance as it might be dangerous for the skaters, especially when they are doing spins or jumps. You’ll be allowed to use a flash during the medal ceremony when the competition is over.
tekst własny

Well, I had a few colleges to choose from. It was a tough decision to make. I know that studying in another city is expensive, so I was looking for a college that was close to my hometown. But as soon as I saw this place, I fell in love with it. It has lots of trees around and perfectly cut lawns. And, there is a small lake nearby where I can practise water sports. Never mind the higher costs of accommodation and the longer distance from home. I immediately made the decision to study here.
adapted from

Zadanie 3.
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie sześć tekstów. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1.
3.1. Why is the woman angry?
A. She got the wrong wardrobe.
B. She paid too much for the wardrobe.
C. She noticed that the wardrobe was damaged.

Tekst 2.
3.2. Which is TRUE about the Team Race?
A. It will take place before the Country Marathon.
B. Each member of the team has the same distance to run.
C. There must be between six and twelve runners in a team.

Tekst 3.
3.3. The people are talking
A. before the party.
B. during the party.
C. after the party.

Tekst 4.
3.4. How did Mr Talbott become rich?
A. He picked up somebody else’s lottery ticket.
B. He found the lottery ticket he had once lost.
C. He got a lottery ticket from his neighbour.

Tekst 5.
3.5. You can hear this announcement during
A. a theatre performance.
B. a photo competition.
C. a sports event.

Tekst 6.
3.6. The woman chose the college because
A. it was close to her hometown.
B. she liked the area it was located in.
C. the costs of accommodation were low.

Zadanie 4.
Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A–F) do każdej oznaczonej części tekstu (4.1.–4.4.). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.

Advertisers use a lot of tricks to make us buy what they have on offer. Here are a few examples.

Companies want to make us think that we are special when we buy their goods. That’s why they often hire big names in sport and cinema or famous TV personalities when they make commercials. When we see that film stars or well-known athletes use the advertised goods, we might think that we are as popular or attractive as they are.
Companies do their best to make the goods they advertise as attractive as possible. For example, to make fruits and vegetables shiny, hairspray is used. Another example is meat. It often dries out when you cook it, so the steak or sausage used in an ad is usually only partially cooked to keep it plump and juicy.
A lot of commercials are designed to put pressure on you. The message is: if you don’t buy now, you will miss your chance because the number of products is limited. However, you should take your time. It is more than likely that you will not be late. As long as
the product is in demand, it will stay on the market.
Another way of increasing sales is to convince people that they can save when they buy more things. But is it so? If a shirt costs $30 and you buy one, you pay $30. If you buy another one for half the price, you think you have saved $15, but in fact you paid $45 for your shopping. And do you really need two new shirts which look the same?
adapted from

4.1 E
4.2 F
4.3 A
4.4 C

Zadanie 5.
Przeczytaj trzy teksty dotyczące podróży. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1.
Posted 25 August, 11.05
Here I am again but what a day it was! In the early morning, after a night at the Ivy Hotel in Cincinnati, Dad called the airline to confirm our flight. The woman on the phone said there was a mistake. There wasn’t any plane to Seattle at 9 a.m. In fact, the next available flight was in twelve hours! Can you imagine? Dad shouted, begged and threatened. He kept saying he was travelling with two kids. Finally, the representative booked us on a flight with a connection in Minneapolis. We weren’t happy about it, thinking of everything that could go wrong. Finally, late in the evening, we arrived home. Welcome back!
adapted from

5.1. The text is about
A. making a mistake when booking a hotel.
B. something that went wrong during a flight.
C. a problem with a return journey.

Tekst 2.
Dear Editor,
I’ve read your article advertising the Riviera Hotel as a peaceful place to have some rest and enjoy the countryside. You must be joking! I was there last month with my parents and it’s the worst place you can imagine! There’s some construction work going on nearby. The builders are using heavy machinery, so the noise and dust make relaxation impossible. There were also serious complaints about the standard of the hotel buffet. The holiday was a nightmare.
Kate, 19, Manchester
adapted from

5.2. Kate wrote the letter
A. to express dissatisfaction with her stay at a hotel.
B. to complain about the behaviour of hotel staff.
C. to give advice on how to avoid problems in a hotel.

Tekst 3.
A steam engine was waiting. The first few carriages were packed with students, some hanging out of the window to talk to their families, some fighting over seats. Harry pushed his trolley down the platform in search of an empty seat. He pressed on through the crowd until he found an empty compartment near the end of the train. He started to move his suitcase towards the train door. He tried to lift it up the steps but could hardly raise one end and dropped it painfully on his foot.
“Want a hand with it?” a red-haired boy asked. “Yes, please. That’s very kind of you,”
Harry replied.
adapted from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J. K. Rowling

5.3. The boy spoke to Harry because
A. Harry had left the trolley on the platform.
B. he wanted to offer Harry his help with the luggage.
C. there were no empty seats in the compartment.

Zadanie 6.
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

When five teenagers sat down and posed for a picture at Copco Lake in 1982, they didn’t plan to make it a tradition. But that’s what it has become.
It all started with John’s grandparents. They had built a hut on the lake in the mid-seventies. John used to go fishing there with his grandfather. “I wanted to share this place with my friends so I invited Brian, Mark, Dallas and David to join me there,” says John. “We finished high school and it was our last summer before going to college so we wanted to relax, have fun and forget about the responsibilities we were expected to take on.” The first photograph of the high school friends was just accidental. Brian grabbed John’s camera, gathered all his friends and set the self-timer to take a group photo. It showed five teens, three of them without their T-shirts on, with hairdos typical of the time. David is pictured holding a coffee jar with a cockroach inside, which the guys kept as a pet.
They went to Copco Lake again in 1987. One day when Brian set his camera to take a group photo, John suggested they could recreate the 1982 pose in the photo and together with Dallas worked on the details. And then Mark said it would be fun to do it every five years. The others liked his idea and in this way a tradition was born. In the latest picture they took they are sitting in identical positions with unchanged, mysterious expressions on their faces. The day is cloudy just like in 1982, when the first photo was taken. David is holding a pet cockroach in a different jar, though. “We haven’t changed much since we were teenagers,” John laughs. “But we all decided this time it was better to take the photo with our T-shirts on.”
Since the first photo together, the men have gone their own ways, but they all agree that those trips to the lake have been the glue that keeps them together. They do everything to meet every five years. They’ve even agreed to collect money if one of them isn’t able to afford the trip. “I remember one time my flight was cancelled and I drove all night to get to Copco Lake on time and pose for the photo,” Brian recalls. “We want to keep this tradition for the rest of our lives, no matter what. If one of us were in hospital, others would probably find a way to bring him there anyway,” he says jokingly.
adapted from

6.1. The five teenagers met at Copco Lake in 1982 to
A. get some rest before starting their studies.
B. help John’s grandfather build a hut.
C. prepare for college exams.
D. learn how to fish.

6.2. Which sentence is TRUE?
A. The first photo was taken by John.
B. In the first photo David is holding a cup of coffee.
C. Dallas’s camera was used to take the photo in 1987.
D. It was Mark’s idea to take a similar photo every five years.

6.3. How does the latest picture differ from the first one?
A. The men’s faces show different moods.
B. The men are all wearing T-shirts.
C. There is no pet in the jar.
D. The weather is different.

6.4. What once made it difficult for Brian to come to Copco Lake?
A. He was sick in hospital.
B. He was late for his flight.
C. He had no money for the trip.
D. He had to change his travel arrangements.

6.5. The best title for the text would be

Zadanie 7.
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki 7.1.–7.3. litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

Steven Spielberg wasn’t a good student, and his classmates often made fun of him. His father tried to encourage him to study harder, but without effect. 7.1. _____ Then he showed them to his friends for a small fee.
He wanted to study at a film school but he wasn’t accepted, so he signed up for English studies at California State College. It was then that his life took a turn for the better. While visiting Universal Studios, he met an editor, Chuck Silvers. Steven showed him the 8 mm films he had made. Silvers was impressed and invited Steven to see him in the Studios again the next day. 7.2. _____ There was nothing inside it except for a sandwich. However, it was made of leather and Steven looked very professional with it.
For three months Steven hung out with producers, directors and other people involved in film making. 7.3. _____ He even put his name on the front door: “Steven Spielberg, Room 23C”. It was possible because everybody thought he was working there. Silvers was the only person who knew that the kid wasn’t a studio employee.
adapted from

A. One day he found an empty office and decided to occupy it.
B. The meeting made him even more interested in film making.
C. Instead, the boy preferred shooting homemade films with an 8 mm camera.
D. That’s why Steven decided to stay there without Silvers’ permission.
E. Steven showed up dressed elegantly, carrying his father’s briefcase.

7.1 C
7.2 E
7.3 A

Zadanie 8.
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

New York City is going to house 8.1. _____ million people in ten years. Everybody wonders how this is going to be done. If you visit Making Room, an unusual exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York, you will see! Here architects present their future housing schemes for this American metropolis. The Manhattan apartments will be especially small.
Only families will 8.2. _____ to have houses or apartments with a few rooms. People living alone will have to 8.3. _____ into much smaller apartments. The greatest thing about this exhibition is an actual model of such a small apartment.
It contains a living room with a pull-out bed and a tiny kitchen. 8.4. _____ the bathroom is small, it looks quite comfortable. In the apartment’s living room, a three-minute video is played as a young woman presents her everyday life there.
The exhibition runs until August so don’t 8.5. _____ it! It’s really great!
adapted from

A. another
B. the other
C. other

A. allow
B. be allowed
C. be allowing

A. change
B. move
C. stay

A. However
B. Instead
C. Although

A. leave
B. turn
C. miss

Zadanie 9
W zadaniach 9.1.–9.5. spośród podanych odpowiedzi (A–C) wybierz tę, która jest tłumaczeniem fragmentu podanego w nawiasie, poprawnie uzupełniającym lukę. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.

9.1. You look tired. You can hardly catch your breath. (Biegałeś) _____?
A. Have you been running
B. Are you going to run
C. Had you run

9.2. (A może spotkamy się) _____ tomorrow? We have a lot to talk about.
A. Have we met
B. How about meeting
C. Perhaps we met

9.3. I don’t know how to (zainteresować go) _____ in history.
A. get him interested
B. show his interest
C. find him interesting

9.4. (Czy pozwolisz mi) _____ to invite my friends to celebrate my graduation?
A. Do you let me
B. Would you agree
C. Will you allow me

9.5. Mary decided to leave me and move abroad. (Nic nie mogłem na to poradzić) _____.
A. I couldn’t stand it
B. I couldn’t do anything about it
C. I wasn’t able to do it

Zadanie 10.
W ramach wymiany międzynarodowej wraz z klasą wyjeżdżasz za granicę do zaprzyjaźnionej szkoły. W e-mailu do koleżanki z Anglii:

  • opisz występ artystyczny, który przygotowaliście na tę okazję
  • przedstaw swoje obawy związane z występem
  • poinformuj, co kupiłeś(-aś) w związku z wyjazdem, i wyjaśnij dlaczego
  • napisz, jak zamierzasz spędzać czas wolny w trakcie pobytu za granicą.

Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z czterech podpunktów, pamiętając, że jej długość powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów (nie licząc słów w zdaniach, które są podane). Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4 punkty), spójność i logika wypowiedzi (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).
Podpisz się jako XYZ.

From: XYZ
To: Susan
Subject: exchange trip
Hi Susan,
My school friends and I can’t wait for our exchange trip. We have spent a lot of time preparing our show. It’s almost ready. ...

Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa i inne przedmioty

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Materiał oryginalny: Matura 2016: Angielski podstawa [ODPOWIEDZI, ARKUSZ CKE] - Głos Wielkopolski

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a ja zjebałem- pooo całości. A najlepsze jest to, że myślałem o tym jaka jest łatwa.
Według mnie podstawowa była prosta, w przeciwieństwie do rozszerzenia. Nie spodziewałam się, że rozszerzenie będzie aż tak trudne, przynajmniej dla mnie. Jeśli chodzi o podstawę, to z zamkniętych tylko jedno źle :D
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